Monday, 27 April 2015

How to Dress (Muslim Women) Good According to Islam

1. Clothing must cover all female genitalia is the entire body except the face and palms. This limitation refers to the female genitalia scholarly opinions which stipulates that the face and palms not including genitalia for women.

As for whether it should form a separate overalls or between superiors, subordinates and hoods, submitted to the fashion and style culture of each civilization. Which clearly point is close the genitals. Allah says:

"O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the JV faith, let them stretch out their whole body veils" (Surat al Ahzaab 27).

2. The clothes should be wide so as not to print the female body shape. Because even cover the whole body, but if you print body shape, the same as naked. Prophet has cursed the woman who wears clothing with fashion like this. Where he dressed but no difference with the naked.

From Abu Hurairah ra that the Prophet SAW said, Among the included experts hell is a woman who dressed but naked (because of tight printing opaque or body), which runs waddle (shake, dance and others) so interesting (lust). They will not go to heaven and will not smell it. (HR. Muslim)

3. Clothing that does not thin translucent so is tantamount to no dressing.

4. The clothes must not resemble men's clothing fashion, because the Prophet has prohibited tasyabbuh (penyerupaaan) of women to men and vice versa.

5. Clothing was painted with pictures that are prohibited from God, such as humans or other living creatures.

"Say to the believing women, 'Let their gaze, maintains his cock, and do not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. And let their veils over her chest, ... "(Surat An-Nur: 31).

Ibn Mas'ud said, "Watch the birth (usually invisible) is clothes." Added by Ibn Jubair, "face" Coupled by Sa'id Ibn Jubair and al-Auzai, "The face, hands and clothing."


"O Asma '! Indeed, if a woman has reached the menstrual period, it is no longer feasible for him show it, but this ... "(he hinted at the face and hands)

Allah SWT. has been ordered for women believers, in the paragraph above, to cover the places that are usually open at the chest. Al-Khimar meaning it is "a cloth to cover the head," as a turban for men, as well as the statements of the scholars and commentators. This (tradition which recommends covering the head) was not found in any tradition.

Al-Qurtubi said, "The decline in the verse is that in those days women when closing the head with akhmirah (veil), the hood was pulled back, so that the chest, neck and ears are not closed. So, Allah. ordered to cover the face, the chest and the other. "

In the history of Al-Bukhari, Ayesha r.a. has said, I hope that women who emigrated blessed God. "When it comes down the verse, they promptly tore his clothes to cover up what was open. When Aisha r.a. attended by Hafsah, nephew, son of his brother named Abdurrahman ra to wear a veil (khamirah) thin in the neck, A'ishah then said, "It is very thin, can not cover it."

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