Wednesday, 29 April 2015

World's First, Saudia Airlines Provides Instructions in Braille

Saudi Arabian
guidance when flying in Braille for those flying blind.

Reported by Arab News on Wednesday (04/29/2015), Saudia Director General Abdul Rahman Al-Fahad said that the instructions in Braille was placed on a plane domestic and international flights.

Instructions written in Braille to guide passengers in ordering tickets, get service on the ground and in the air, including on food specials and special services tailored to their needs.

According to Al-Fahad, Saudia is one of the airlines that provide the best service to passengers with special needs. For the ministry, Saudia has been getting a number of awards.

Saudia has been providing services chief passengers with special needs through its staff of trained, in addition to providing elevators, special food, and now the magazine and instructions in Braille.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Tips & Trick learn Indonesian is good and right

Earlier I explained a little about the reasons why we have to learn Indonesian again. Now, I'll give you a few tips to learn the use of Indonesian is good and right. Use everyday language which mixes the mortar between the Indonesian with the trend of today's language or "slang", is ingrained among Indonesian citizens. Probably only a fraction of those who understand the importance of using good Indonesian and right (though in everyday life). The language we use is one of the judgments of others tehadap ourselves. With oral hearing we speak, others can judge our character was like. Therefore, change the way we speak in Indonesian language is good and true. Not just verbally, in writing we must also use the Indonesian language is good and true. Not infrequently of us who ignore the procedures of writing is good and right. You know the SMS? Blackberry Messenger? Both of these communication media using alphabetic keystrokes that produce writing on mobile phones. Admit it, we use both the communication media with the language of "slang" is not it? Yes indeed like that. That is because we have become accustomed to the everyday language we use daily.

The following tips and tricks how to learn the Indonesian language is good and true.

Family environment is very important. The term family is a child's first teacher. Teach your children how to use the Indonesian language is good and true.
The school of course we've learned lessons Indonesian. Lah maximize the learning time. Both elementary school (SD), junior high, or high school. Even to your lecture too. If you have no student status, you can still learn the Indonesian language is good and true through books, ebook, internet media widely available that discusses how to learn Indonesian grammar correct.
Make a habit of speaking good and polite. Either verbally or in writing. Oral can do with friends or family (his scope). And in writing you can get used to typing communication media such as SMS, Blackberry Messenger, or other social media.
There is a term "Could be because accustomed" I think it's true. So, when you get used to good living patterns that begin with the way you talk or how to write an article, you will certainly get used to it. Do not be ashamed to learn to become better.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Sholehah woman candidate Angel Heaven

"Surely the most beautiful woman is the woman who solehah who keep the faith, devotion to GOD Almighty, who was afraid of the punishment of hellfire, which keeps him from things that are forbidden religion" •
General Information


The pleasures of heaven are given eternal pleasure of Allah to His servant who is faithful and devoted to Him. The pleasures of heaven has never been seen by the eyes, heard by the ears and hearts terdetik, as the words of the Prophet in the hadith Qudsi:

عن أبي هريرة قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : يقول الله عزوجل : « أعددتُ لعباديَ الصالحين مالا عين رأت ولا أذن سمعت ، ولا خطر على قلب بشر »

N Prophet said: Allah said, "Have I provide for my servants pious, something that has never been seen by the eye, unheard by the ear and not terdetik in the human heart."

One of the blessings given by God to His servants is a form of pious wives or his beautiful nymph (Hurun 'in), whose beauty can not be defeated by the most beautiful woman in the world. Had only one angel was dropped into this world, then everyone must compete the race to get it. But remember, it will only be obtained by people who have always obeyed, obedient and subject to all the commands of Allah and avoid His prohibitions of all kinds.

In language, an angel comes from the Hurun and 'in. Hurun: white and 'in, meaning larger eyes and yellowish.

Glossary: ​​They are young women age pretty stunning, smooth skin and very black eye beans. And they were betrothed without passing through the wedding process.

Raw material

They are created from Za'faran. As of Anas bin Malik narrated from the Prophet Muhammad n is said,

الحور العين خلقن من الز عفران

"Houris eyed beautiful created from Za'faran."

Physical Characteristics


عن أَنَسَ بْنَ مَالِكٍ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَرَوْحَةٌ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَوْ غَدْوَةٌ خَيْرٌ مِنْ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا وَلَقَابُ قَوْسِ أَحَدِكُمْ مِنْ الْجَنَّةِ أَوْ مَوْضِعُ قِيدٍ يَعْنِي سَوْطَهُ خَيْرٌ مِنْ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا وَلَوْ أَنَّ امْرَأَةً مِنْ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ اطَّلَعَتْ إِلَى أَهْلِ الْأَرْضِ لَأَضَاءَتْ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا وَلَمَلَأَتْهُ رِيحًا وَلَنَصِيفُهَا عَلَى رَأْسِهَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا

"Departing early in the morning or afternoon on the way of Allah is better than the world and its contents. And indeed, an arc distance of you, better than heaven or a latch that is better than the middle of the world and its contents. Even if a woman resident of heaven to expose himself to the people of the world, surely he will illuminate between them and the earth will be filled with the fragrance. And indeed, the crown better than the world and its contents. "

6 Women who do not deserve to be the wife of the view of Islam

Women are the creatures of god's most beautiful and noble. women have different properties and characteristics different from each other. Good woman is hard at getting. Required an uphill battle to get a good wife. A good wife according to islam is the woman who always diligent his pilgrimage and his laarangan away. While the wife who, according to Islam is not good I will present in 6 Women who do not deserve to be the wife of the view of Islam.Here are 6 Women who do not deserve to be the wife of the view of Islam:

women muslim

Al - Anaanah
Al - Anaanah is bad nature of a woman is always uneasy. Women who have the properties of Al - Anaanah in life always felt not quite like when it was given the motor is not enough, the car is not enough, the house is not enough. Women Al - Anaanah so hated by God because he is never grateful and always selfish.

Al-Manaanah is the nature of woman who always bring leverage. If the husband did something that was not pleasing to the woman then diungkitlah anything about her husband. Always talking about her husband: not keeping in mind which has given her to him, was not responsible, do not have a sense of affection towards her husband. Though her husband had given him all the best.

Al -Hunaana
Al -Hunaana are vices that a woman is mengiginkan another husband, someone like this woman does not deserve to be the wife of the view of Islam. Not only did he mengiginkan another husband but women Al -Hunaana will be easier affair with another man.

Al Hudaaqah
Al Hudaaqah is vice waniita that likes to impose the will of the husband, such as morning, afternoon, during her husband continued to be pressed and made into slaves. In the case should in the view of Islam the husband was a leader of the household. Women Al- Hudaaqah so not worth it if dijadika a wife in the eyes of Islam.

Al -Hulaaqa
Al -Hulaaqa a bad trait women are busy memnjakan themselves and forget their responsibilities as a wife like taking care of children, prayer, remembrance and much more. Women Al -Hulaaqa be busily engaged himself only to preen and relax. While her husband worked hard to support his family. This kind of wife is not feasible in the view of Islam.

As vice-Salaaqah is the last woman that likes mengosip. Indeed vices of this one kabnyakan stick on the hearts of every woman. As women-Salaaqah or gossip in the view of Islam is very improper for us make a wife. Because God always hated people who like to speak lies / rumors.

By knowing the nature of the vices of the above of course, we already have a clear picture of the bride is good for us. sholehah choose a wife who is always obedient to Him

How to Dress (Muslim Women) Good According to Islam

1. Clothing must cover all female genitalia is the entire body except the face and palms. This limitation refers to the female genitalia scholarly opinions which stipulates that the face and palms not including genitalia for women.

As for whether it should form a separate overalls or between superiors, subordinates and hoods, submitted to the fashion and style culture of each civilization. Which clearly point is close the genitals. Allah says:

"O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the JV faith, let them stretch out their whole body veils" (Surat al Ahzaab 27).

2. The clothes should be wide so as not to print the female body shape. Because even cover the whole body, but if you print body shape, the same as naked. Prophet has cursed the woman who wears clothing with fashion like this. Where he dressed but no difference with the naked.

From Abu Hurairah ra that the Prophet SAW said, Among the included experts hell is a woman who dressed but naked (because of tight printing opaque or body), which runs waddle (shake, dance and others) so interesting (lust). They will not go to heaven and will not smell it. (HR. Muslim)

3. Clothing that does not thin translucent so is tantamount to no dressing.

4. The clothes must not resemble men's clothing fashion, because the Prophet has prohibited tasyabbuh (penyerupaaan) of women to men and vice versa.

5. Clothing was painted with pictures that are prohibited from God, such as humans or other living creatures.

"Say to the believing women, 'Let their gaze, maintains his cock, and do not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. And let their veils over her chest, ... "(Surat An-Nur: 31).

Ibn Mas'ud said, "Watch the birth (usually invisible) is clothes." Added by Ibn Jubair, "face" Coupled by Sa'id Ibn Jubair and al-Auzai, "The face, hands and clothing."


"O Asma '! Indeed, if a woman has reached the menstrual period, it is no longer feasible for him show it, but this ... "(he hinted at the face and hands)

Allah SWT. has been ordered for women believers, in the paragraph above, to cover the places that are usually open at the chest. Al-Khimar meaning it is "a cloth to cover the head," as a turban for men, as well as the statements of the scholars and commentators. This (tradition which recommends covering the head) was not found in any tradition.

Al-Qurtubi said, "The decline in the verse is that in those days women when closing the head with akhmirah (veil), the hood was pulled back, so that the chest, neck and ears are not closed. So, Allah. ordered to cover the face, the chest and the other. "

In the history of Al-Bukhari, Ayesha r.a. has said, I hope that women who emigrated blessed God. "When it comes down the verse, they promptly tore his clothes to cover up what was open. When Aisha r.a. attended by Hafsah, nephew, son of his brother named Abdurrahman ra to wear a veil (khamirah) thin in the neck, A'ishah then said, "It is very thin, can not cover it."

Husband Have Sex Every Day

My problem is often experienced by many women. My problem is that my husband could not get enough in sexual intercourse. I myself have had enough with just three to five times a month. While my husband always asked every day!
To avoid the occurrence of a number of issues, and for expecting the pleasure of the husband is the source of the pleasure of Allah SWT, then with a very heavy heart I will forced to do so (to serve). However, my beloved husband dislikes with such conditions, which I do jima '(be forced to) just as the biggest sacrifice that I do for the sake of survival housekeeping, also in order to save the fate of my four children.

Finally, my husband is always complaining, grumbling and berate condition. He also began to threaten to get married again with another woman. This is what makes me want to get away from my husband, with the aim of avoiding verbal acuity and reproach he made to me.

His condition now, I have reached the stage where I really expected him to marry again with another woman. The hope that the censure and hurl insults from her husband stopped me. I asked his advice for myself and for my husband. Jazakumullah khary.

* Ukhty X in Syria

Responses Dr. 'Amr Abu Khalil:

Dear Sister, whether called married life-stairs where the condition of a wife considers an attempt to fulfill a husband's sexual desire as the "ultimate sacrifice"? Household life as if when the days are full of insults and threats from the husband? The days are at the same time considers the attitude of her husband's wife as a form of humiliation?

Do not act like it's sister. Indeed this problem requires introspection together from both parties and takes time to make corrections and contemplation. The question that needs to be answered in this matter quite a lot. Know that you are complaining about something that just becomes something that is expected of other women.

There are psychological factors that cause a man to have sexual desire demands so high, while his wife has a lower sexual desire. So there is no need to compare with other people, and do not need to be no threat.

The issue of sexual desire is a private matter that is different from one person to another. There are no privileges at all the people who have sexual desire every day, compared to those who desire only appear once every week or month. Surely during sexual intercourse is still within normal limits known in the community. This difference should be a driving force couples to understand each other, and to each partner's attention to psychological conditions. This difference should be fields kindness to build consensus, harmony and closeness. Instead of a trigger hostility. This is the first point.

The second point. Although the question of sex is one of the essential elements forming the household life, but there are still many elements forming the other. For example, good relationships or assume responsibility alongside the fields are very spacious for a couple to be able to understand each other, even though one of the main parties have deficiencies in sexual problems. By paying attention to good relationships, existing shortcomings in the pair would have been welcome. That is, you must look inward first and devote all the ability for it.

Are there certain factors that hinder you to serve your husband, so you can not have sexual intercourse? Are you able to cope with these factors in part or even most of it? If you've done that, then your husband feel all the labors that you have shed, then he will definitely appreciate you. If arbitrarily efforts have been made, but still not the pleasure of your husband, then your husband actually not entitled to provide such threats (to be married again: the threat of polygamy), because actually the second marriage is not a threat, but a new responsibility.

If the husband can understand the conditions like this, then he is ready to assume its responsibilities well, where he realizes very well that from the second marriage he will not only have fun and be able to satisfy his sexual desires, but will also acquire a number of new responsibilities? Is he really ready to take on all of it without the slightest prejudice to the rights of one of his wife and also the rights of their children? If you can bear it, then put your trust in Allah without any bluster or threats.

However, you should sit down with her husband to talk openly and dialogue, so that you both are able to understand the problems that occur rationally and responsibly. Then you can explain to the husband about the picture of the life that you both live and described to her husband about the responsibilities which should be assigned. If the husband shows his inability to carry out all these responsibilities, then you have to tell your husband that you both have to try to find solutions that are right for your life together; and it is better than you have to fight, each lash, or threatening each other.

The conclusion is that the response given by either the husband or the form of threats to compare her with other women, is unacceptable. Similarly with the response given by the wife, that is by having a husband to marry lahi also unacceptable. In this case, there must be awareness and good pengembanan responsibility of both parties to produce better conditions. Dialogue and mutual understanding is the only way to get out of these problems.

May God give you the instructions and the ability to take the right decision, da n may God also help you to change your attitude and consult with your husband until you both get the right solution. Truly only God is the One who is able to give taufik.

Tips wife solehah So Successful

Wife so successful? Hmmm, if the husband is required to be successful for our husbands and family, it would not be exaggeration if we also have the motivation to become a successful wife anyway. Here are tips to become a successful wife.
Use everything within you to win your husband's heart

All women have the ornaments given by God. Use the beauty that has been given to you is to win your husband.

When the husband came home, welcome to the wonderful greeting

Imagine your husband come home to a clean house, a beautiful wife dressed, dinner prepared with care, children clean and sweet, clean rooms - what happens to his love for you? Now imagine what would otherwise not be said to him.

Learn the characteristics of the angel heaven and try to emulate them

Al-Qur'an and Sunnah describe the women in Jannah with certain characteristics. Like silk they wear, big black eyes, sing for their husbands, etc. Try, wearing silk for your husband, or perhaps occasionally sing for your husband.

Dress up at home

From the beginning, the little girl has begun to adorn themselves with earrings and bracelets is gorgeous. As a wife, keep using the jewelry you have and pretty dresses for your husband.

Joking and playing games with your husband

Secrets of a man: they are looking for a simple woman and have a sense of humor. Rasul told Jabir to marry someone who would make her laugh and she will make her laugh anyway.

Thank your husband for the good things he does

Grateful to him. It is one of the most important techniques, and is characteristic of the women of paradise.

An argument is a fire in the house

When you fight, you just add fuel to the fire. Notice how the argument will end when you just say sincerely, "Look, I'm sorry. Let's be friends. "

Always trying to please your husband, because he is the key to Jannah

Rasul SAW taught us that every woman who dies in a state where her blessing to it, then it will enter Jannah. So, senangklah heart.

Listen and Obey it

It shall comply with your husband! Your husband is amir household. Give him all the right things and with respect.

Pray to God that your marriage a success

All good things are from God. Do not forget to ask Allah Ta'ala will be blessed for a successful marriage that begins in this world and continues on in Jannah.Kesimpulannya: Never forget to pray to Allah - azza wa Jalla

Wife Working for Success Family

if the wife works outside the home but the work did not hamper his duty to educate children, set up home and serve her husband, it is not a problem. However, if the wife's work can hamper its obligations at home, let alone her husband had asked her to leave her job, this problem.
A wife should know that work outside the home that impede fulfillment of its core responsibilities as a wife (and the mother) would hinder the success of the family anyway. It will also have an impact on the success of the career / work husband. And of course it would disrupt relations between them.

Should a wife knows that the husband's career success is also the success of his wife. Accompanying husband is mandatory. Care of the house, serving her husband and, educating children also include heavy work and can not be delegated. So that if a wife wants to show its existence and want air-career, this is where (house, red) place.

Should a woman is busy with the education of children and helping her husband at home. By ensuring a neat house, career success husband and children well educated, means we have ensured the success of the family.

Never Complain Wife

It tells the story of a married couple who had seven children. One day, her husband saw his wife crying while cooking food.
Looking at it, the husband asked, "O My wife, what happened to you? What makes you cry? "

"I cried because I felt very tired in the care of the family and do all the housework," she said. "I take care of our seven children with a variety of their character. I have to provide food, clean the house, wash clothes very much. I work 24 hours a day. It feels, I'm no longer able to do all this. "

The husband smiled. "What should I do?" He asked.

"Please get me a slave woman who can help take care of everything."

"Of course, I will find him. But, just listen to me for a moment, "said the husband, stroking her with great affection.

"God always helps his servants that never despair and sincere in doing anything containing goodness. You are a wife who is very patient in keeping the family, a mother who became a role model for a seventh son, and become a companion salihah with the severity of your duties. I could only find a maid to ease your job. However, if you keep doing all the good it to our families so that God will remove all wrong and sins. "Said her husband.

The husband then said, "My wife who salihah, women who never tired of maintaining his family and sincere with what it does, God will assign every grain of sweat into the good that can be fused ugliness as well as raise in rank."

She stroked her husband were still sobbing embarrassment, then invited to sit back in the living room is very simple kitchenette, then the husband went on his advice,

"Try to remember back Testament The Prophet told Her daughter Fatimah, who dipersunting Ali Bin Abi Talib was very poor, which is when it also was complaining to his father Muhammad SAW as formerly refined now turned into a rough and abrasions because every day should mashing wheat alone, processing and cooking. There are 10 WILL He told his daughter:

1. O Fatimah! Indeed, women who make flour for her husband and her children, someday God will set him kindness of every grain of wheat that diadonnya, and also God will melt and increase the degree ugliness.

2. O Fatimah! Indeed, women who sweat when mashing flour for her husband and children, Allah will make between hell and her seven veils separator.

3. O Fatimah! Surely the woman who anointed his sons hair and then comb it and then wash his clothes, then God will assign a reward for him as the reward of a thousand people feed the hungry and to clothe the naked thousand people.

4. O Fatimah! Indeed, women who assist the needs of its neighbors, then God will help him to be able to drink the lake Kawthar on the Day of Judgement.

5. O Fatimah! It is more important than the whole virtue of the above is the pleasure of the husband against wife. If the husband is not the pleasure to you, then I will not pray for you. Know Fatimah, Anger husband is the wrath of God.

6. O Fatimah! When a woman is pregnant, then the angels ask forgiveness for him, Allah is set for him every day a thousand goodness, and melt a thousand kejelakan. When a woman feels pain to give birth, then God has set a reward for him the same as the warrior God's reward. When a woman gives birth abortion, makabersihlah his sins like when he was born from his mother's womb. When a woman dies in childbirth, then he will not bring the slightest sin, in the grave will have a beautiful garden that is part of the garden of paradise. God gave him the same reward with the reward of a thousand people performing the Hajj and Umrah, and a thousand angels ask forgiveness for him until the Day of Judgment.

7. O Fatimah! When a wife serving her husband during the day and night, with a sense of fun and sincere, then God will forgive his sins and put her clothes on the day of Resurrection in the form of clothing that completely green, and assign him every hair on his body a thousand goodness. Allahpun will give him the reward of one hundred times the Hajj and Umrah.

8. O Fatimah! When a wife smiling in front of her husband, then God would look with a full view of love.

9. O Fatimah! When a wife to her husband sleeping mats spread with a sense of pleasure, then the angels were calling from the sky called the woman in order to witness the reward of charity, and God forgive his sins that have past and future.

10. O Fatimah! When a woman's husband and combed head oiling, oiling his beard and cut his mustache and nails, then Allah will give him drink beautifully packaged, imported from the rivers of paradise. God will make it easier for her death's door, and make the grave part of the garden of paradise. God also set him free from the pains of hell and can traverse shirathal mustaqim safely.

His wife was in tears because they feel embarrassed. Since then, he never again complain.

SubhaanAllah, this will constitute the most expensive pearl value, especially for any wife who crave piety.

How the Great and noble position of Women in the household when He willingly and sincerely undergo nature as a wife

Friday, 24 April 2015

Langkah Cara Membuat Blog di Google Blogger

Hallo! selamat datang wahai calon blogger
 Sekarang saya akan menunjukan bagaimana cara membuat blog baru, tidak di wordpress, tetapi di blogger. adalah penyedia layanan blog dari Google. sepenuhnya gratis, nantinya kamu akan mendapat blog dengan alamat berakhiran Saya juga dahulu kala pertama membuat blog di, tepatnya sekitar tahun 2008.
Mari kita mulai saja, berikut adalah step-by-step cara membuat blog di blogger.

Step by Step Membuat Blog Baru di Blogger

Pertama, masuk ke alamat dengan email gmail kamu, jika belum membuat email gmail, berikut cara daftar gmail.
Cara membuat blog
Masuk dengan memakai id gmail kamu.
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Kedua, kamu akan dibawa ke halaman blogger. Di sini kamu harus membaca persetujuan dari blogger, kamu bisa skip membacanya. Selanjutnya klik tombol “Lanjutkan ke Blogger”.
cara bikin blog
Klik tombol “lanjutkan ke blogger”.
Ketiga, pada beranda blogger ini, kamu akan dikenalkan dengan beranda blogger. Untuk memulai membuat blog, klik tombol “Blog Baru” yang ada pada bagian kiri atas layar.
buat blog baru blogger
Klik tombol blog baru
Keempat, kamu memilih judulalamat blog, dan tampilan blog. Untuk alamat blog, pastikan bahwa menuliskan alamat yang tersedia, kamu bisa mencoba dengan mengkombinasikan huruf dan angka.
tutorial membuat blog
Isi judul blog, alamat blog, dan pilih tampilan yang kamu suka.
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Kelima, sampai di sini kamu sudah berhasil membuat blog baru kamu. Coba pergi ke alamat blog kamu di tab baru, ada kan? Tetapi sayangnya belum terdapat konten sama sekali. Untuk mulai menulis konten, klik icon pensil.
Cara menulis blog
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Keenam, selanjutnya kamu akan dibawa ke halaman untuk menulis konten. Sekarang tugas kamu adalah meng-explore semua tool yang ada di bagian ini. Untuk menerbitkan tulisan, klik tombol “Publikasikan” pada bagian kanan atas layar.
cara membuat blog menarik.
Mulai menulis konten blog di blogger.
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Selamat, kamu sudah berhasil membuat blog baru! Untuk membuat blog lebih menarik lagi. Kamu bisa pergi ke beranda blogger, lalu edit tampilannya.
berhasil membuat blog baru.
Tampilan blog baru.
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Untuk memperjelas langkah-langkah di atas, saya menuliskan lagi di bawah, tanpa ada ilustrasinya.
  1. Login memakai data gmail kamu, jika memakai komputer public (warnet) pastikan jangan chek “Stay signed in”.
  2. Klik tombol “Lanjutkan ke Blogger”.
  3. Klik tombil “Buat Baru” yang ada pada bagian kiri atas layar.
  4. Tulis judul blog dan alamat blog yang kamu inginkan. Untuk alamat blog, kamu harus menulis yang belum tersedia. Selanjutnya pilih tampilan blog yang kamu suka. Terakhir klik“Buat blog!”.
  5. Selanjutnya kamu akan dibawa ke halaman baru. Sampai di sini kamu sudah berhasil membuat blog di blogger, cek alamat blog kamu. Untuk mulai menulis klik icon pensil.
  6. Mulai menulis blog dengan topik yang kamu suka. Untuk menerbitkan tulisan, selanjutnya kamu klik tombol “Publikasikan”, yang ada pada bagian kiri atas.
  7. Pergi ke alamat blog kamu untuk melihat tulisan kamu, atau klik tombol “lihat”.
  8. Selamat! kamu sudah berhasil membuat blog keren di blogger!

Beriklan di Internet IdBlogNetwork vs Facebook vs Google Adwods

Lupakan sejenak menjadi publisher. Jika saya seorang advertiser, apa yang akan saya pilih? Iklan IdBlogNetwork? lewat Facebook? atau Google Adwords? Mereka menawarkan konsep cara beriklan di internet yang berbeda.
Di Indonesia, beriklan di internet melalui IdBlogNetwork, facebook, dan Google Adwords memang cukup populer. Ketiganya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan.
Iklan IdBlogNetwork contohnya, mereka memiliki jaringan yang kuat dalam konteks blogger Indonesia. Dengan jaringan tersebut, advertiser bisa memilih metode periklanan, apakah dibayar per klik atau membayar satu kali untuk sebuah review.
Sering dengan banyaknya pengguna internet, pasar ini terus tumbuh. Tetapi masih banyak yang memakai metode menawarkan suatu produk melalui media cetak, elektronik, sampai secara langsung seperti papan reklame, baliho, dan poster.
Pertanyaannya, apakah semua efektif?
tentu saja efektif jika kita memasang itu dengan tepat dan siapa target kita sebenarnya.

Cara Beriklan di Internet

Sekarang kita berbicara cara beriklan di internet, kenapa internet? karena potensi internet sangatlah besar.
Katakanlah kita memasang iklan di internet. Nah, karena begitu banyak pengguna internet, bagaimana kita bisa tahu bahwa iklan kita dilihat oleh orang yang tepat?
Jawabannya adalah database dan statistik.
Jika kita memiliki database dan statistik pengguna internet, kita bisa memilih ingin oleh siapa iklan kita dilihat. Ada beberapa layanan penyedia iklan yang bisa kita pilih, iklan idBlogNetwork, Google adwords, atau mungkin pasang iklan di facebook?

Pasang Iklan di Facebook

pasang iklan di facebook
Contoh Iklan Facebook
Kita tahu, facebook sangat populer di Indonesia. Pada sidebar kanan terdapat sederet iklan. Iklan itu ditampilkan tidak sembarangan, tetapi bedasarkan statistik pemakai. Karena statistik itu, facebook memiliki keakuratan yang cukup tinggi.
Contoh, misal kita mempunyai produk kecantikan. Tentu iklan kita ingin dilihat oleh seorang wanita dengan rentang umur sekian yang memiliki hobi tertentu.
Facebook memiliki data itu! Begitu kita pasang iklan di facebook, kita bisa memilih ingin oleh siapa iklan kita dilihat, berapa umur yang diinginkan, dari negara mana, ingin yang memiliki hobi apa, dll.
Karena itu, mengapa pasang iklan di facebook sangat efektif.
Jangan berpikir bahwa apa yang kita lakukan di facebook itu tidak dipedulikan facebook. Facebook peduli itu, karena pengguna facebook itu adalah database mereka. Setiap gerak gerik kita di facebook, mereka ‘merekamnya’.
Jika kamu tertarik dengan iklan facebook, pasang iklan di facebook.

Beriklan Melalui Google Adwords

Cara beriklan di Internet
Contoh iklan Google Adwords
Google AdWords merupakan media periklanan terbesar saat ini, banyak brand-brand besar yang beriklan melalui AdWords. Cara kerja AdWords, Brand > AdWords > AdSense > Publisher.
Dahulu ketika adsense belum support bahasa Indonesia, beriklan di adwords bisa saja tidak efektif. Tetapi, sekarang adsense sudah mendukung bahasa Indonesia, iklan kita akan lebih efektif dilihat oleh orang Indonesia.
AdWords Brand, > AdWords > AdSense > Publisher/Google
Dari siklus di atas, terlihat bahwa yang memasarkan iklan kita adalah publisher dan google. Publisher adalah mereka yang menaruh iklan adsense di website atau blog mereka.
Beriklan di internet melalui google adwords juga sangat efektif, karena google menerapkan sistem keyword. Contohnya, ketika pemakai internet mencari sesuatu dengan keyword “mobil murah”, maka iklan yang tampil akan berhubungan dengan mobil murah.
Tetapi berdasarkan pengalaman saya, jika pengguna memakai browser google chrome, iklan yang muncul mungkin tidak akan sesuai keyword. Kenapa? karena google bisa melihat history, cache, dan cookies di-browser. Lalu google memerhitungkan frekuensi yang paling sering. Dari situ relevansi iklan muncul untuk pemakai brwoser chrome.
Kamu bisa mencoba adwords, pasang iklan di Google Adwords.

Memasang Iklan idBlogNetwork

iklan idBlogNetwork
Halaman Depan idBlognetwork
iDBlogNetwork adalah media beriklan dengan cara melibatkan blogger-blogger indonesia untuk membantu penyebaran/spread marketing campaign dengan cara pemasangan banner dan penulisan review/testimonial. didirikan oleh mereka yang berpengalaman dalam dunia IT dan digital online marketing di Indonesia, antara lain
1. Kukuh TW– founder – layanan ppc lokal sejak january 2008
2. Mubarika Darmayanti – pernah bekerja pada AdMax, FeminaGroup dan Kelompok Kompas Gramedia
3. Moch Farid – IT Praktisi berpengalaman di bidang aplikasi programming dan infrastruktur
Dari data di atas, tentu idBlogNetwork tahu betul bagaimana pasar Indonesia. Karena pendiri mereka dari Indonesia.
Kekuatan idBlogNetwork ada pada jaringan blogger yang mereka miliki. Database blog dan blogger yang mereka miliki bukan sembarangan, mereka melakukan review yang ketat untuk sebuah blog diterima idBlogNetwork.
Iklan idBlogNetwork bersifat premium, artinya ketika kita memasang iklan di idBlognetwork, iklan kita akan lebih terlihat menjual.
Akan tetapi, keakuratan memasang iklan di idBlogNetwork tidak sehebat facebook dan Google Adwords. Karena iklan yang tampil di sebuah blog dihitung berdasarkan kesamaan niche blog dan umur. Kenyatannya, blog Indonesia sangat sedikit yang memiliki niche spesifik.
Yang menarik dari idBlogNetwork, mereka memiliki iklan review. Jadi produk kita akan direview dan dipromosikan oleh blogger di blog terbaik mereka.

IdBlogNetwork vs Facebook vs Google Adwods

Untuk sekarang, saya lebih memilih facebook sebagai media beriklan paling efektif di Internet. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara paling banyak pengguna facebook dan tingkat keaktifan penggunanya menjadi alasan saya. Paling menarik, kita bisa memilih kriteria calon pelanggan kita.
Google Adwords sebenarnya sangat menarik, karena harga beriklan di Google Adwords bisa kita set semurah mungkin, tetapi tertarget. Jika tingkat persaingannya kecil, bukan tidak mungkin kita bisa membayar hanya 0,01 per klik.
Selain itu, Google Adwords juga memiliki fitur auto bidding. Kita tinggal set harga tertinggi kita, maka iklan kita akan dimaksimalkan. Mengenai targeting, google adwords tidak kalah dengan facebook.
IdBlogNetwork, jujur saja, semua fitur beriklan idBlogNetwork dimiliki baik Google atau Facebook. Yang menarik dari iklan idBlogNetwork, mereka memiliki iklan review, Cost per Sale, dan Cost per Tweet

Alasan Kenapa Permohonan Adsense Ditolak Google

Aku yakin setiap blogger memimpikan menghasilkan uang dari blognya, entah apa itu programnya saya tidak tahu. Bisa saja itu bermain PPC, paid review, atau jualan link.
Kebanyakan dari blogger memilih afiliasi dan PPC, untuk affiliasi saya tidak akan membahasnya ditulisan ini.
Program PPC menjadi favorit bagi kebanyakan blogger, apalagi blogger baru (newbie). Salah satu favorit program PPC adalah google Adsense. Selalu munculnya iklan dan kualitas advertiser menjadi alasan.
Bukan hanya itu, alasan Adsense menjadi pilihan adalah reputasinya yang baik, review yang bagus, dan banyaknya testimonial, seperti “How to get $1000 per month from adsense”, dll.
Tetapi, mimpi seorang newbie itu terhenti ketika lamaran surat Adsense-nya ditolak. Lalu mereka bertanya
“Apa yang salah, kenapa bisa ditolak?”

Alasan Seorang Blogger Ditolak Adsense

Google tidak menerima permohonan baru pasti ada alasannya. Sekarang, Google lebih ketat dalam menerima user adsense. Ada alasan tentu dibalik penolakan itu.
Alasan yang paling bisa saya lihat adalah untuk mengurangi spam, akun palsu, dan low quality content. Oke saya bahas satu per satu.
Definisi SPAM adalah pesan yang tidak diinginkan. Nah, untuk mendaftar adsense pastikan kamu serius, jangan main-main. Kebanyakan blogger baru memiliki alasan mencoba dan terus mencoba tanpa tahu apa yang harus mereka perbaiki.
Kasus ini saya yakin google mengetahuinya. Sampai pada terakhirnya jika google sudah bosan, kamu akan mendapat pesan seperti di bawah.

Account Not Active
An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as it is associated with an unapproved application. For more information about your application, please review the message we sent to the email address you provided with your application.
Kalau sudah begitu, saya sarankan kamu menyerah. Adsense tidak mungkin menerima lagi blog kamu.
Kalaupun ingin mencoba lagi, gunakan fresh email dan blog yang baru.
Fake Account
Nah, kasus ini sekarang lagi rame. Google bukan tidak tahu tentang pihak-pihak yang menjual adsense, tetapi google diam.
Jika kamu memasukan data palsu saat mendaftar, resikonya pembayaran kamu tidak akan pernah bisa diproses. Tetapi kasus ini lain, akunnya asli, tetapi setelah itu dijual belikan.
Memang apa yang salah?
Sampai sekarang saya tidak tahu bagaimana orang yang menjual akun adsense itu bisa mendapatkannya dengan cepat.
Tetapi yang pasti, setelah adsense itu dipindah tangankan pastinya script iklannya akan ditempelkan di blog yang membeli tadi. Ada dua kemungkinan, di-baned atau masih diberi kesempatan.
Dibaned, artinya blog yang dipasang oleh sipembeli tidak memenuhi syarat dan kriteria adsense. Atau bisa jadi ada alasan lainnya.
Diberi kesempatan, artinya adsense memberi kamu periode untuk membuktikan bahwa blog kamu memang sesuai kriteria. Tetapi biasanya ada kasus seperti ini, ketika sipembeli hampir mencapai minimum payment, adsense dia di-banned.
Low Quality Content
Nah, alasan ini menjadi alasan yang populer bagi blogger Indonesua. Sekali lagi, saya sarankan baca tulisan saya yang satu ini “Pengalaman Saya Diterima Adsense“.
Jadi seperti apa High Quality Content itu?
Kamu bisa membacanya langsung dari google ini. Singkatnya, konten yang berkualitas adalah konten yang tidak banyak topok, informatif, bukan copas, dan bisa dimengerti oleh manusia.

Menunggu Waktu Sampai 6 Bulan?

Sekarang, jangan paksakan blog baru kamu didaftarkan. Jika benar-benar baru, sebaiknya kamu bangun dulu tulisan dan trafik. Ada poin yang mengatakan jika blog yang harus didaftarkan umurnya minimal 6 bulan, tetapi bukan untuk blogger Indonesia.
Lah, terus kenapa?
Baca Eligibility to participate in AdSense, di sana ditulis bahwa untuk beberapa negara ada syarat khusus minimal 6 bulan baru bisa didaftarkan. Tetapi, setalah saya membaca kesuluran TOS untuk Indonesia, Indonesia tidak termasuk.
Alasan kenapa google rasis adalah isu spam dan banyaknya tindakan kecurangan blogger di negara tersebut.

Kesal? Frustasi Ditolak terus Adsense?

Sudah berapa kali kamu ditolak adsense dan sudah berapa kali kamu di-approve adsense?
Kabar baiknya, kamu tidak sendiri. Sekarang, di Indonesia, sudah banyak program PPC lokal yang memberikan bayaran yang bahkan lebih besar dari Adsense. Sayangnya, untuk CTR masih menang adsense.
Saya tidak akan membicarakan PPC recehan dengan iklan pembesar “anu”, PPC ini benar-benar berkualitas dan saya sendiri sangat menyukai PPC tersebut. Kamu bisa membaca tulisan saya dahulu tentang PPC Premium Lokal.
Berikut review singkat tentang PPC tersebut:


( + ): Harga klik CPC tinggi, memiliki program CPT (Cost per tweet), PTR (Post to Review), Video Banner Ads, dan PPL (Pay per Lead).
( – ): Sedikit advertiser, Jarang mendapatkan iklan, tidak ada CPM.


( + ): Harga klik CPC dan CPM tinggi, PPL, Banyak Advertiser, Iklannya Beragam,ada statistik iklan.
( – ): Proses pembayaran agak rumit, syarat mendaftar tinggi.


( + ): Harga klik CPC dan CPM tinggi, PPL, Advertiser relatif stabil, Iklannya Beragam, ada statistik iklan.
( – ): Proses pembayaran agak rumit, syarat mendaftar tinggi.


( + ): Harga klik CPC dan CPM tinggi, PPL, CPE, Advertiser sangat banyak, Iklannya Beragam, ada statistik iklan.
( – ): Proses pembayaran sering telat, syarat mendaftar tinggi.
Saya harap tulisan ini bisa menjadi jawaban untuk rekan blogger yang masih belum di-approveadsense. Saya senang bisa membantu, jika ada yang ditanyakan jangan sungkan berkomentar.
Jangan lupa subscribe dan share

Menaikan Harga Klik PPC Lokal Terbaik

Kita sudah tahu yang mana saja PPC lokal terbaik. Pertanyaan saya, apakah kita bisa menaikan nilai harga klik PPC lokal tersebut? Alasan saya masih seputar adsense.
Pada Adsense ada yang namanya HPK (High Paying Keyword), yaitu keyword-keyword tertentu yang mengakibatkan iklan dengan harga klik tertinggi muncil.
Pertanyaan saya, apa mungkin PPC lokal juga terdapat HPK? Ternyata jawabannya mungkin.
Untuk sekarang daftar PPC Indonesia yang bisa saya uji agar muncul iklan dengan harga tertinggi adalah SITTI Ads, IdBlogNetwork, Inity, dan KlikSaya. Mungkin yang lainnya ada lagi, tetapi sejauh ini yang saya coba adalah ke empat PPC tersebut.
Jika anda belum tahu 4 PPC tersebut sebaiknya anda baca post saya tentang PPC Premium Lokal.
Harga Klik PPC Lokal
Pay Per Click

PPC Lokal Terbaik yang Saya Coba

Daftar PPC Indonesia kali ini yang saya coba adalah SITTI, IdBlogNetwork, Innity, dan KlikSaya. Saya memilih PPC tersebut karena mereka sudah memiliki cukup advertiser dan sudah muncul cukup lama.


Iklan SITTI terbiang relevan dan berharga relatif tinggi. Klik tertinggi yang pernah saya dapat dari SITTI berharga Rp 900,-. Masalahnya tidak setiap postingan dari blog kita muncul iklan SITTI.
Lalu bagaimana cara memunculkan iklan dari salah satu PPC lokal terbaik SITTI?
Agar iklan SITTI muncul, kenyataannya dari pengujian yang saya coba, tidak hanya keyword yang berpengaruh, tetapi juga umur postingan, update konten, dan traffik juga berpengaruh.
Kita tidak bisa begitu saja memaksa iklan SITTI muncul dengan menembak keyword SITTI yang populer. Setidaknya perlu 15 hari agar iklan itu muncul.
HPK SITTI ada beberapa keyword yang memiliki harga klik tertinggi, diantaranya keyword tentang wanita dan kesehatan. Keyword kecantikan dan Bisnis juga memiliki harga klik yang lumayan tinggi, tetapi masih kalah dengan keyword tentang kesehatan dan wanita. Untuk menguji ini, coba kamu buat blog dummy tentang wanita lalu buktikan hasilnya.
Ingat, HPK selalu berubah-rubah setiap periodenya. Pastika tidak terlalu terpaku pada keyword tertentu.


Keyword sama sekali tidak berpengaruh pada IdBlogNetwork, tetapi trust atau kepercayaan IdBlogNetwork kepada blog kita sangat berpengaruh.
Daftar PPC Indonesia
Halaman Depan idBlognetwork
Jika kita memiliki konten original, blog bersih dari konten-konten dewasa, dan desain manusiawi maka meskipun traffik kita kecil kita tidak akan pernah di “anak tirikan” oleh IdBlogNetwork.
Untuk saat ini topik-topik yang blog yang berharga tinggi di IBN masih tentang Teknologi dan Gadget. Kita juga bisa mendapatkan kesempatan job review jika kita memiliki traffik yang lumayan. Harga untuk satu review nya tidak tanggung-tanggung, bisa mencapai Rp 1.500.000,-.
Untuk mendapatkan iklan terbaik dari IdBlogNetwork yang memberikan harga klik tinggi. Kamu harus memiliki blog dengan trafik cukup tinggi, bersih dari konten SARA dan dewasa, desain menarik, dan topik general.


Kunci utama agar kita selalu mendapatkan campaign dari innity adalah traffik dan konten. Tidak perlu khawatir niche blog anda berbeda dengan kebanyakan, innity lebih memprioritaskan traffik unik dan update konten yang berkala.
Jangan heran jika kamu tidak mendapatkan campaign, problemnya pasti ada pada content atau update blog yang terbengkalai.
Untuk mendapatkan campaign dengan harga klik tertinggi, kita harus pandai-pandai memilih niche blog kita. Sejauh ini niche blog yang selalu mendapatkan penawaran tertinggi adalah tentang anak muda dan lifestyle.
Setelah mendapatkan campaign, masalah berikutnya bagaimana agar iklan tersebut bisa muncul. Cara aga memunculkan iklan Innity adalah dengan menempatkan tidak lebih dari 3 unit iklan Innity di blog.
Jika masih tidak muncul juga kita tidak perlu khawatir, karena Innity memiliki fasilitas alternate ads. Tetapi, selama ini cara di atas selalu berlaku bagi blog saya.
Jika ingin mendapatkan iklan denga klik tertinggi dari KlikSaya maka anda bersiap-siap untuk harus memilih salah satu antara idBlogNetwork dan KlikSaya.
Karena KlikSaya sejauh ini iklan dengan harga tertinggi ada pada iklan dengan kontent dewasa. Harga klik tertingginya mencapai Rp 900,- per klik.
Yang paling penting dalam hal menaikan Harga klik PPC Lokal adalah kita tidak serakah dalam menampilkan iklan.
Seringkali, terlalu banyak iklan di halaman blog, membuat harga klik dari iklan tersebut menjadi turun. Kasus tersebut berlaku untuk Innity dan Adsense.

Kasih tau kita, jika kamu memiliki tips lain agar harga klik PPC lokal menjadi tinggi. Atau, jika kamu memiliki daftar PPC Indonesia baru, saya akan sangat senang jika kamu berbagi dengan kita.